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Diese Datenschutzerklärung klärt Sie über die Art, den Umfang und Zweck der Verarbeitung von personenbezogenen Daten (nachfolgend kurz „Daten“) im Rahmen der Erbringung unserer Leistungen sowie innerhalb unseres Onlineangebotes und der mit ihm verbundenen Webseiten, Funktionen und Inhalte sowie externen Onlinepräsenzen, wie z.B. unser Social Media Profile auf (nachfolgend gemeinsam bezeichnet als „Onlineangebot“). Im Hinblick auf die verwendeten Begrifflichkeiten, wie z.B. „Verarbeitung“ oder „Verantwortlicher“ verweisen wir auf die Definitionen im Art. 4 der Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO). 


Adriana Frasin

Knickweg 7b

22303 Hamburg


Privacy policy

The website address is


What personal information the site collects and why the website collects them

While visiting's website, the website will track:

  • Products you have seen: we use this to, for example, show you products that you have recently looked at

  • Location information, IP address, and browser type: we use this for purposes such as VAT calculation and shipping costs

  • Delivery address: we ask you to enter this so that we, for example, can calculate shipping before you order, and send you the order!


The website also uses cookies to keep track of the contents of the shopping cart while you use our website. Read more about this under Cookie Policy.


When you shop at, we ask you to provide us with information that includes your name, billing address, shipping address, email address, telephone number, credit card information/payment information, and any account information such as username and password. We use this information for purposes such as:

  • Send information to you about your account and your order

  • Answer your questions, including repurchases and complaints

  • Process payments and prevent fraud

  • Follow the legal requirements we have, such as VAT calculation

  • Improve our store offerings


Contact forms

On the site there are a few contact forms, in them, there are some fields that are mandatory. These fields contain information about you that I need to manage the contact form. When you fill out any contact form on, all the information you fill in as well as your IP address is stored and sent in an email to me. The IP address is used to combat spam, and other information you fill in is used to reply to your message.

If you fill out a form to receive a free digital item, you also sign up for our newsletter. The newsletter is sent out from time to time at indefinite intervals. You can choose to stop receiving the newsletters at any time by clicking on the link in the emails.


This website uses a Facebook pixel, which allows Facebook to collect information about you through the website. This information will be encrypted to protect your privacy, before being sent to Facebook.


Who has access to your data

Members of our team have access to the information you provide on the site. We have access to:

  •     Order information such as what was bought, when it was bought, and where it should be sent, as well

  •     Customer information such as your name, email address, and billing and delivery information.

Our team has access to this information to fulfill orders, make refunds and provide support.


What the site share with others

We do not share information about you with any third party.



If you place an order, the company we use to handle payments can access your personal information needed to handle the order, read about this in the terms and conditions that you accept at checkout.


How long we keep your data

In general, only information about you is stored for as long as we need the information for the purposes for which we collect and use it, and we are not legally obliged to store it. For example, we will store order information for the current time period for tax and accounting purposes. This includes your name, email address, and billing and shipping addresses.


What rights do you have over your data

You as an individual can request to have all personal information I have about you, including all information you have given me. You as an individual can also request that we delete all personal information I have about you. This does not include any information that I have to save for administrative, legal, or security purposes.

Cookie Policy


About cookies

We use cookies on this website. A cookie or cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer/tablet/phone in the browser that contains information. It is used to make it easier for the visitor to the site. If you do not want any cookies, you can set this in your browser. We use cookies to make the site better for you who visit the site. If, for example, you make some settings or choices on the website, information about it can be saved in a cookie.


Different types of cookies

There are different types of cookies, this site may use the following:

Persistent cookie. They save a file that remains for a long time on your computer/tablet/phone. The second type is called a session cookie. While you are on our site, it is temporarily stored in the memory of your computer/tablet/phone.

Session cookie: A session cookie disappears when you close your browser.


We use the following cookies on

  • Necessary cookies are necessary for the operation of my site. For example, they make it possible for you to choose the language of the website.

  • Functional cookies are used to recognize you when you return to my site. It enables me to make the site’s content more personal to you, and to remember your preferences. For example, you clicked on the cookie banner or your choice of language.

  • Analytical / performance cookies allow the site to recognize and count the number of visitors and see how visitors navigate when they use the site. They also help me improve how the site works, for example, to make sure visitors find what they are looking for.

  • Third-party cookie. A third-party cookie comes from a third party. These cookies thus come from someone other than the person responsible for the website. Cookies such as those used for web statistics or embedded Website content are examples of typical third-party cookies. An example of this is Instagram which is displayed on the website – Instagram and Facebook can then save third-party cookies via our website.


What the site collects and stores

How uses cookies and similar technologies

We mainly use cookies for the functions on the website to work.


While visiting our website, we will track:

  • Products you have shown: we use this to, for example, show you products that you have recently looked at.

  • Location information, IP address, and browser type: we use this for purposes such as VAT calculation and shipping costs.


We also use cookies and similar technologies to keep track of the contents of the shopping cart while you use our website.

The cookies that are saved are a cookie to remember which language you selected, and a cookie to remember that you clicked the cookie banner, so that it does not appear every time you visit the site. These two cookies are saved for one year, so you don’t have to choose the language or see the cookie banner every time you visit the site.


In local storage, your computer’s local memory, and other variables belonging to the boxes with information popping up to give you tips are also saved. These variables are saved so that you do not have to see the boxes more than X number of times.


The site also uses cookies to keep statistics about the site using Google Analytics. Google Analytics is anonymized data.

With the help of Google Analytics, we can see, among other things, how many visitors the site has, which pages are popular, how long visitors stay on each page, if certain buttons have been clicked, etc. Important to point out is that we can never see who visited the site, this information is anonymous.

Here you can read more about Google Analytics cookies:


We use a Facebook Pixel on the website, which means that Facebook can save cookies via the website. Here you can read more about Facebook’s cookies:


We also save a cookie to keep track of which currency you have chosen for a product – so that you do not have to make these choices more than once.

Occasionally a session cookie is deleted when you close the browser.


Block cookies

You can set the browser to automatically deny the storage of cookies or be notified every time a site requests to store a cookie on your computer. However, this may mean that you do not have access to all the functionality on the website. Through the browser, you can also delete cookies that were previously stored. See your browser’s settings for more information on this.


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